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Here we convey information about the Announcement of Re-registration of Unesa New Student Candidates through the SNMPTN Path for the 2022/2023 Academic Year. Further information can be downloaded here
Here we convey information about the revised announcement of the registration of new students for the Undergraduate Transfer Path for the Even Semester Academic Year 2021/2022. Further information can be downloaded here.
Here we are convey information about Announcement of registration new students of S1 Transfer Path for Even Semester Academic Year 2021/2022. Information Further details can be downloaded at the following link:
Following we convey information about the Technical Announcement for the TMUBK 2023 SPMB Implementation. Further information can be downloaded
More info can be downloaded here
Here we convey information about the Technical Announcement of the Implementation of the Achievement Path SPMB. Further information can be downloaded here